Pakistan: 6 year old raped, dead in Karachi, violence incidents surge

Surjani Town of Karachi state reported an incident involving the rape and murder of a six-year-old girl. The authorities of the Karachi state police force found the dead body of the minor girl on Wednesday, April 5.

Surjani Town of Karachi state reported an incident involving the rape and murder of a six-year-old girl. The authorities of the Karachi state police force found the dead body of the minor girl on Wednesday, April 5. The girl’s family reported her missing to the local police a day before, on Tuesday, April 4. The police authorities of Karachi found her dead body in a utility hole in the Sujani town area.

Meanwhile, the police authorities dismissed the case of the minor as an accident. After the fact, the officers took the deceased victim to the hospital, where the doctors performed an autopsy. The autopsy tests revealed that the culprit of the minor child sexually assaulted his victim before she died. After the family of the six-year-old girl received the information about the specifics of the incident, they demanded justice for their child.


The family seeks the immediate arrest of the man who is responsible for the death and sexual molestation of the child. Meanwhile, the culprit of the crime remains unknown to the authorities. Karachi reported a similar crime incident earlier this year. Various states have allegedly witnessed a surge in crimes directed at women.

Media source Nikkei Asia recently reported a crime incident in Fatima Jinnah Park in Islamabad. The girl in question was in the park with her friend. Here, she encountered two men who beat her and sexually assaulted her at gunpoint. The incident caused an uproar on social media, starting a debate on the issue of safety and the rights of women.

The police authorities apprehended the two culprits of the women, two weeks later. The guilty men were shot dead following a scuffle with the police authorities.

The experts have suggested that the incident highlights a serious issue in the judicial system of Pakistan. The statics have claimed that 5,200 rape incidents occurred in 2021. Meanwhile, Pakistan’s conviction rate in these incidents is less than 3 percent.

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