The editor of the international newspaper publication Report Afrique International, Philip Thomas has shared his views on the existence of God. He refused to believe that “God does not exist” He wrote on his social media, I will never believe that there is no God.
The editor in chief added that I can believe that man is yet to communicate with God truly. He also conceded that different people communicate with him in diverse ways. However, he refused to assume that there is no creator for these complexities of nature.
He urged people to look at their mobile phones to support his argument. He urged them to reflect on the gadget’s design, features and functions. Further, he asserted that the tiny little machine can connect you to the world. Imagine that phones had no manufacturer’s logo, no company put anything on them to indicate ownership of copyright design etc.
Imagine that some years later, our offsprings say no one created it. That phone just came to be, and we use them. Think about it. Philip Thomas believes this is exactly how we want to conclude God’s existence.
Thomas argued, “Just because God left no visual initials on everything he created is not enough for some people to mindlessly assume that your body with all its design complexities, the animals with their unique abilities, the plants and the amazing things that abound in this universe were all happenstance.
There is, for sure, a creator. Philip Thomas asserted that I would not need science or anyone to convince me otherwise. I see God in the simplest of nature’s creativity. I see God in every creation, including Animals, plants, the earth, outer space, the clouds and everything that amazes us in nature.
He urged the people to understand that he was not discussing religion here. I am not trying to tell you which religion is true and which is not. I believe there is only one true God, and every religion tries to communicate with this one God through various means.
These diverse means of communication with God by various persons and the dishonest nature of man are, to me, what may create the difference in teachings and doctrines. Man often tries to infuse his thinking and will over other men in the name of God. But God remains pure and sacred still.