Does cluttered spaces affect your mental health

Physical clutter includes piles of drawers, cabinets, countertops, and other places. You may place unnecessary items in your home, such as bulky display elements. You can handle piles of documents, piles of paper and unnecessary documents at your desk. Office supplies that can no longer be used. The reason why we continue to increase this confusion is that we think that time is running out, there is no specific place to put things, or it becomes chaotic because we can’t get rid of it.

This constant disturbance in the environment can adversely affect your ability to concentrate and process information: neuroscientists in Princeton have stated that “physical disorders in the environment can compete for your attention, leading to decreased performance and increased stress. If you working in the background while reading this article, you will accumulate digital files such as e-mails, photos, documents, etc.


Then it will be difficult for you to find digital files on your mobile phone or computer. If it is you, you may encounter digital confusion. This This level of confusion usually leads to depression and eventually stress. The paradox of choice is the cause of endless accumulation. There are many opportunities. He steals us through the media, word of mouth and other marketing gimmicks.

However, doubts about unnecessary necessity can pave the way for a tidy life. Life can be difficult at times, but we can use methods to teach ourselves how to establish order and maintain balance:  Allocate time. Take time to plan and balance. Create a system of why and when to start. Listening to your favorite music will make you enjoy the whole process without getting tired. *Visualize what will happen if you order and after ordering. What are you doing in this room?

This is a good place to get a clear view. Clearing the chaos does not mean that you have to be minimalist and have very few things. As long as they are organized and relevant, you can keep what you need, what you need, and what you like. Don’t let the confusion overwhelm you. Every step is important. Don’t be discouraged, but congratulate yourself for your efforts and move on.

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